Originally Posted by TheAdminMarket
This is what I'm working on right now. That's why the name "forobook". A forum with Facebook style (functionality). Don't know if it will succeed or not. But I'll try it as last project in my life. In a short term: "you'll love it, or you'll hate it".
I have a similar project in the works for vb5. A couple of my users have looked at what I have so far and liked it, but it is a huge undertaking for me being a novice coder and I doubt it will ever get finished between work and other more important projects in the works.
My forum has dwindled to 10-15 active users 20-30 and while I was ready to shut it down in September due to lack of activity, an influx of cash donations and a unanimous vote from those active users to keep it open made me change my mind.
New users seem to join, find what they are looking for and leave without ever engaging in a conversation. I know this to be true as my son does it all the time when he is working on his car. He always hits the forums for answers but never engages the community since he finds what he is looking for without having to put forth much effort. What bothers me about it is sometimes the info is flawed or incomplete and he never goes back to discuss the wrong info or add what is missing since his problem is already solved.