Hi Mark
Back to trying to fix my forum issue, spoke with my tech and he isn't exactly sure of the issue and had this to say:
"When you log in it redirects you to a URL such as
domain.com/forum/search.php?searchid=275740. Notice the
search ID in the query string. The problem is this search will only be
valid for 5 or 10 min (VB caches search results for a short time). If you
visit the URL after that you'll get a 'no search results found' message.
To compound this problem, it looks as if the redirect is being cached (in
the web browser): I tried logging out, logging back in, and my browser
redirected to the same searchid ... even though it was now out of date.
So we need to figure out why it redirects to the search page after login.
Is this a change that you've made, perhaps? A safer option would be to
redirect to domain.com/forum/search.php?do=getnew. "
and I never noticed it before either till he mentioned it as I have a short cut on Chrome but when I click to my forum using domain.com/forum it takes me straight to a search page showing the last three days worth of posts or in most cases telling me it can't find any posts.
Any ideas on this one....starting to feel like Westworld looking for the center of the maze
Thank you again