I know how to create a normal post with php, but I'm searching through the code and haven't yet figured out how to do it.
Thought someone here might be able to point me in the right direction.
I use this as a function to deal with creating and editing posts.
function node_handler($userid, $title, $postmsg, $nodeid, $parentid, $channelid){
global $vbulletin;
$options = [];
$input = array(
'title' => $title,
'rawtext' => $postmsg,
'nodeid' => $nodeid,
'parentid' => $parentid,
'channelid' => $channelid,
'ret' => '',
'tags' => '',
'reason' => '',
'iconid' => '',
'prefixid' => '',
'hvinput' => '',
'subtype' => '',
'userid' => $userid,
'username' => 'User',
'nl2br' => false,
$api = Api_InterfaceAbstract::instance();
$user = $api->callApi('user', 'fetchUserinfo', array($userid));
$time = vB5_Request::get('timeNow');
$textData = array(
'title' => $input['title'],
'parentid' => $input['parentid'],
'prefixid' => $input['prefixid'],
'iconid' => $input['iconid']
$options = array();
if ($input['nodeid'] > 0){ //If we're here. We are to edit a post.
$result = array();
if ($user['userid'] < 1){
return 0;
$textData['rawtext'] = $input['rawtext'];
$textData['reason'] = $input['reason'];
// We need to convert WYSIWYG html here and run the img check
if (isset($textData['rawtext'])){
$tmpText = $api->callApi('bbcode', 'convertWysiwygTextToBbcode', array($textData['rawtext'], $options));
if ($input['nl2br']){ // not using ckeditor (on edit, 'nl2br' goes in the data array)
$textData['nl2br'] = true;
$nodeId = $api->callApi('content_text', 'update', [$input['nodeid'], $textData, $options]);
$tags = !empty($input['tags']) ? explode(',', $input['tags']) : array();
$tagRet = $api->callApi('tags', 'updateUserTags', array($input['nodeid'], $tags));
else{ //Here we start a new post/thread
$nodeId = $api->callApi('content_text', 'add', [$input, $options]);
return $nodeId;
Is this something that is just an option. As I'm looking I'm not seeing any options. I've looked through the API:
Its unclear how to add a poll and what options would be in the poll. Or I'm blind. Could be either. I just need a Yes/No Poll.
I can't explain why I can't use jquery to do this, but I need this to if possible work with the above function.
Ideas? Suggestions?
Glenn!! I know you've got someway to tell me I've screwed up and its right there!
I've tried adding 'polloptions' =>array('Yes', 'No') to both options and input array, but come up with nothing but a normal post.
Gotta be missing something.