Originally Posted by Replicant
I know vB3 and 4 handle large sites very well. As far as vB5 not performing well on large sites, I've heard this many times but with zero examples. I wouldn't know from experience since my site is just a baby. I know vb.com isn't the largest or busiest site by any means, but it seems to purr along quite happily every time I visit. Is the limitation on vB5 because of the architecture or is it just resource hungry basically limited to the computing power of the particular server it's on?
The architecture I think. Beside vbulletin requires minimum 100 queries each request (I've tested on an empty board on localhost) isn't a good idea, although half of them are database cache queries.
Without a proper cache driver and application base optimizatio, I don't think large forum can render below 2s, they should have other choices of software.
vBOptimise of DBTech is really one of greatst vb4 modification.