Originally Posted by Mark.B
And that's the way mod development is heading on all platforms now. You pay for anything half-decent. They vB3 and vB4 days of thousands of fully-featured, supported modifications being released for free will never return on any platform.
Glenn has some decent mods for vB5 on his site. Well worth looking at.
It seems that it is your belief.
You believe in what you are doing, that doesn't apply for other people. Some just need default features from a message board, some need more, it depends on object which your site is heading to.
The fact that I made an idea to discuss for a change, but you prove that vbulletin accept current situation. You just cannot use it as excuse for downside of the platform right now. The lack of modification makes vbulletin is no longer a target for developers, thus price for each modification being paid can be increased significantly. You no longer have a standard quality to compare between mods.
Of course, a better way is to give up from modifications (I notice changes of vbulletin strategy), but since bugs and major features haven't been filled soon, I don't see there is a slight difference.