Originally Posted by noypiscripter
I don't see vb literal tags in Ad module templates. Or is that done only in vBCloud? I know the Text Only flag is forcely set in css_additional template when adding custom css via Sitebuilder CSS Editor. I created a related JIRA on that recently.
This was on a self hosted site, not cloud. It just put the tags in itself and that generated the same symptoms as the user above. I removed them and it worked. So that might be this user's issue.
It's worth noting that adding the forum description is due to go into 5.2.6:
The css_additional flag being set is, I'm fairly sure, because of Cloud customers, as they have access to that and it needs to be text only. So to implement that Jira they'd need some way of distinguishing between the two and setting it appropriately. Otherwise Cloud customers would have to be restricted from adding custom css.