@Papa Bear, I have an idea what's happening to your site not parsing vB template code syntax in Ad modules.
1. Determine the ad id generated by the Ad module you added. Right click on the module and inspect the HTML element and find ad_XXX_inner or axd_XXX CSS classes in the module. The XXX is the ad id. I found it for your site which is 158.
2. Find the ad template in AdminCP using the ad id you got in step 1. The template name has a format of ad_XXX where XXX is the ad id. So in your case, the template name is ad_158.
3. Edit the template and make sure the "Text Only" checkbox is unchecked. I'm pretty sure it is checked for you which causes vB template code syntax to not be parsed and evaluated.
4. Save.
Please let me know if that fixes the issue for you.