I'm having a heck of a time getting mod-rewrite friendly URLs working in nginx. I followed this post,
rewrite /threads/.* /showthread.php?$uri&$args last;
rewrite /forums/.* /forumdisplay.php?$uri&$args last;
rewrite /members/.* /member.php?$uri&$args last;
rewrite /blogs/.* /blog.php?$uri&$args last;
rewrite /entries/.* /entry.php?$uri&$args last;
rewrite ^/(?:(.*?)(?:/|$))(.*|$)$ /$1.php?r=$2 last;
but am not having much luck. 404's everywhere, or images don't work, or something wonky. My vhost file is becoming a mess. Can someone with mod-rewrite urls working post their full vhost so I can see where to put everything?