Hello, I am an Administrator on a site. The problem is I do not have a vbulletin license because I am not the owner of the site so I cannot view codes here.
The owner of the site is a corporation that rarely comes online. They only come online for technical support (they can't even get that right) and even then it can be a hassle to get a hold of them since they own so many [s]dead[/s] forums. We rarely see them. Myself, and the other admins are the operation admins and I guess you can consider me the lead admin to some extent.
Another admin removed user bbcode profile tags recently because they didn't think we needed them anymore. We had them on the site for 7 years. We had a re-vote, and decided to add them back. This site is the only site that has the code and here is the thread in question:
Am I pretty much screwed since I do not have a vbulletin license or would you guys be able to give me some lee-way and PM me the code?
I didn't know if you guys needed some kind of proof that I am an admin so I screen shotted my admincp. I am the one who installs all of the bbcode on the site.