Okay, after you have the product installed, add a plugin as follows:
Product: MarkFL: Additional Thread Tools
Hook Location: parse_templates
Title: Blinking Highlighted Threads
Execution Order: 5
Plugin PHP Code:
PHP Code:
if (in_array(THIS_SCRIPT, array('forumdisplay', 'search')))
$template_hook['headinclude_css'] .= '<style>threadbit.markfl_highlight .deleted, .threadbit.markfl_highlight .sticky, .threadbit.markfl_highlight .nonsticky, .threadbit.markfl_highlight .discussionrow, .threadbit.markfl_highlight .alt, .threadbit.markfl_highlight .ignored {animation: blink 1s steps(1) infinite; -webkit-animation: blink 1s steps(1) infinite;} @keyframes blink {50% {background: transparent;}} @-webkit-keyframes blink {50% {background: transparent;}}</style>';
Plugin Is Active: Yes
Click "Save" and that should do it.