Whenever I try to create a new article in the CMS and enable the comments I get a PHP Warning & A Database Error. You can read the full info here:
For the record the mod that I mentioned in that post has
nothing to do with this issue. I have disabled the plugins globally in the config file, tried doing this in the default vBulletin skin, cleared all my cache in my browsers (Opera & Firefox) & in vBulletin, repaired & optimized the tables and I still get a DB error each time I try to either change a current article and allow comments or create a new one.
Each time I try to enable the comments the PHP Warning adds a number for instance if the latest PHP Warning is...
Duplicate entry '81' for key 'PRIMARY'
Then when I try to enable the comments again the next time it would be...
Duplicate entry '82' for key 'PRIMARY'
and so forth.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.