Hmmm in this case perhaps reviewing your custom style will show you the few templates you need to copy over... let's review real quick:
- In vB3 you have the "Main CSS" via the drop-down in the style manager, copy all main css from the old style to the new style.
- Compare the templates (shown in red are the customized templates).
Use this mod to export the custom templates.
- Use Notepad++ to copy the newer template code from the custom templates listed (above before exporting it will list them).
- Now use the same mod to import those custom templates into the newer style.
- Now compare the newly "redone" style that now has the custom templates (but not all templates i.e. so not all newer code will be as old since it's a spliced style now per say instead of an old style imported into a newer version forum etc).
- Make the required changes to the few templates and now check (such as if one new template is missing the session variable from navbar template etc, add it in) if you did it correctly this should be working and you didn't overwrite or import an old style into the newer board instead you selected the few custom templates and did it more how to say it, more "proper"

That should work
