I installed on my 5.2.4 test forum - seemed okay. But when I installed on my actual forum, some issues:
It does work, however Welcome Panel statistics aren't correct. (1) At my forum for example it says that I have 5 unread PMs, but I don't show any new messages.
I had a different user check, your app showed that he had 2 unread messages - of total of 10, also incorrect as he had 0 unread of 6 total in his inbox.
(2) No matter WHEN the last time was that you logged into the forum, the mod always says that the last time was ".....your last visit at Today 12:00 AM." Always Today at midnight no matter what.
(3) Also, error:
So, the app needs some modification/updates it is still buggy.
P.S. As far as "hot fixes" - my suggestion is to just update the version number anytime you make changes. I run multiple forums and trying to figure out whether each has the latest of your various softwares is problematic otherwise.