Originally Posted by dmm2020
Hey Doug
I saw your pm and yes I remember you! Posting what I think the fix is in public though so anyone else with same issue can possibly fix the same way

Quite a few people don't realize that the CMS can have a specific style set. If you've ever specifically set it in the past, you may not recall so what you need to do is check:
- Navigate to your CMS page.
- Click the Pencil icon beside the text "The Front Page" the pencil icon is to the right of that text IF you're logged-in as an administrator.
- Click the drop-down to the right of "Style" and select the style you wish the CMS to use.
*If you want the CMS to use the style specified in the style settings so it always matches the active style in use the choose the option "Inherit" and that will ensure the CMS defaults to whichever style is set as the default respectively

^ Did that fix it? Let me know