Getting the latest Article to display
So I'm trying to use one of the modules on my home page to list the latest article that has the tag 'spotlight' in it. Will only display the latest one, not all of them. I've no idea where to even start. I haven't figured out how to edit modules themselves yet, but I imagine I can find what I'm looking for in the 'Slider' Module.
Any hints on where or how would be awesome.
You can almost do this with the Search Module.
Using JSON:
{"tag":["spotlight"],"channel":["13"],"sort":{"created":"desc"},"view":null,"exclude_ty pe":["vBForum_PrivateMessage"]}
Can't figure out what possible views other than compact, and topic. If there was a full, or post (Yes I tried those) and it showed the full article. That would have been awesome so there has to be another way.