PHP Code:
INSERT INTO store VALUES (1, 'username', 'Change Username', '500', '0', 'username.gif', 'With this action you can change your username', 'Y');
INSERT INTO store VALUES (2, 'customtitle', 'Change Custom Title', '300', '0', 'title.gif', 'With this action you can get a custom title and if you dont have one already then get one', 'Y');
INSERT INTO store VALUES (3, 'customavatar', 'Change Custom Avatar', '700', '0', 'avatar.gif', 'With this action you can get a custom avatar or if you already one you can change it...', 'Y');
INSERT INTO store VALUES (4, 'givetitle', 'Give an other user a custom title', '700', '0', 'givetitle.gif', 'With this action you can give an other user a custom title. The title that you give will be showed on every post of that user. <br><b>Tip:</b> Do it when that user dont have enough money to restore his custom title ;)', 'Y');
INSERT INTO store VALUES (5, 'donate', 'Donate money to an other user', '0', '0', 'donate.gif', 'With this "free" action you can donate money to other members.', 'Y');
INSERT INTO store VALUES (6, 'scrap', 'Scrap your yellow/red card', '700', '0', 'card.gif', 'With this action you can scrap your yellow/red card. Want to become a mod but have a yellow/red card? Do this action to begin with a new veb life ;)', 'Y');
INSERT INTO store VALUES (7, 'calendar', 'Add Calendar Event', '500', '0', 'calendar.gif', 'With this action you can add a public calendar event on the calendar', 'Y');
INSERT INTO store VALUES (8, 'glowusername', 'Add Glow To Username', '2000', '0', 'glow.gif', 'With this action you can add an attractive glowing color to your username wich you can define yourself. If you have already a glow then you can change it here aswell.', 'Y');