sorry d00d...
words cannot describe how annoyed i am right now...
let me give u the rundown first...
last month i ran the queries up to query 5 on the store hack... on that query i got an error.... so i posted a question on what i cud do to fix this and no1 replied... so i gave up
today i tried doing everything again ... and it worked... i ran the 5th query as seperate queries and it worked wonderfully except for the first two queries of query5... so i thought as i am using fireflys query hack that this is because they had already been run...
so i carried on with the installation and after an hour i had finished... i went into my admin cp... and edited the store config... it worked fine... then i tried to edit a store action (e.g. change username)... and it didn't work ... i got a database error... and this occured every time i tried to edit any action...
then i actually went into the store and tried to any action... and none of them work...
i am so annoyed with this...
What can i do????