Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
When you see a youtu.be link that means its the previe video immediately after upload (i.e. still processing before it makes the link official per say).
I have no clue how this even occurred:
<a href=3D"https://youtu.be/RX7UNpWqTpg" target=3D"_blank"></a>[video=3Dyou=
As you can see something was clearly inserting "3D" into the code, I believe it tried to resolve the youtu.be link but something went wrong. I would check to ensure this does not happen again because normally things just don't go wrong out of the blue - you know?  .
I was using the other link yesterday. The full one.
I think what happened is the video got highlighted in editor and then linked.. That was why I was wondering if it was happening to all videos or just the one. lol Something new every day bro!