First, thank you for this great plugin. It has helped tremendously! Also, sorry if this has already been mentioned in this thread, I tried searching but this thread has 200+ pages...
I was still getting posts through even though there were some words listed in my bad words list. Turns out, spammers may be smart after all because these words were in a post's title not the pagetext (body) of the post and checking the source I saw this conditional:
if (str_replace($keywords, '', strtolower($this->fetch_field('pagetext', 'post'))) != strtolower($this->fetch_field('pagetext', 'post'))&& !can_moderate()) {
So it's only checking the body of the post. To add in the title, I changed it to:
if (
str_replace($keywords, '', strtolower($this->fetch_field('pagetext', 'post'))) != strtolower($this->fetch_field('pagetext', 'post'))
str_replace($keywords, '', strtolower($this->fetch_field('title', 'post'))) != strtolower($this->fetch_field('title', 'post'))
&& !can_moderate()
) {
Now it will catch keywords in the title also. So far no reports of issues (other than some false positives with my aggressive bad words entries).