I have done something similar to this. I created an API wrapper in the frontend controller. You don't have to include any file at all.
Create a php file named apiwrapper.php in /includes/vb5/frontend/controller directory. The class name suffix has to match the filename.
PHP Code:
class vB5_Frontend_Controller_ApiWrapper extends vB5_Frontend_Controller
public function __construct() {
public function actionCreatePost() {
// validate ip address to restrict unauthorized calls
// validate input data in $_POST
// set user session to a user that has create post permission:
// $this->setUserSession(1);
// call content api to create the node passing all the required parameters:
// $nodeid = Api_InterfaceAbstract::instance()->callApi('content_text', 'add', array($data, array())); // $data is an array containing title, parentid, rawtext, userid, etc.
// return the nodeid generated as a JSON:
// $result['nodeid'] = $nodeid;
// $this->sendAsJson($result);
protected function setUserSession($postUserId) {
$session = vB::getCurrentSession();
$userid = $session->get('userid');
if ($userid != $postUserId) {
$newsession = new vB_Session_Cli(vB::getDbAssertor(), vB::getDatastore(), vB::getConfig(), $postUserId);
To call actionCreatePost() method, use CURL, jQuery (if forum is on same domain as the originating call) or any tool/library that supports HTTP transfer. The URL endpoint for the call is
http://yourdomain.com/apiwrapper/createPost then you have to pass the parameters as POST data.