No sir. It gets the user info from $vbulletin->userinfo.
The text input is a variable generated. Sample is:
There is a lot more to it than that, however $post_text is auto generated, and that is what is the text. The interface would be a web browser with php coded interface. They just log onto a site (External page, loaded with .global.php) and click a checkbox. Click save. The form submits as post. This goes through all the checked information creating a $post_text then calls the write a new thread function. That writes the post, and he/she is brought back to the screen with all the checkboxes updated, (Clicked or un-clicked). At which point they can then add or remove checked boxes. Submit again. And this will run through the post. See the thread exists, and will replace the data in the above mentioned post.
At a specific time, a php script is run at night and it will move the thread to another forum to be audited later.