I don't know if anyone is still looking for this. But since I was, and I wanted to have the Advance editor available in the Quick Edit section, I modified the SHOWTHREAD.PHP and now I have the advanced editor available in my quick reply section
Now, I don't claim that this is the best thing to do, but at least I got what I wanted. Here's what I did it
Search for the function
in the showthread.php
Then make modification the below function. Basically, all you are doing is changing the string 'qr' to 'fe'
By the way, qr stands for quick reply, and fe stands for full edit(or).
PHP Code:
$editorid = construct_edit_toolbar(
I don't take any responsibility for any issue you may face because of this, but I thought it may help those who do not want to use an add-on template or MOD.