When I started my site in 2008 I as a novice who knew almost nothing about hosting or forum administration I started on Siteground and they were OK, I learned a lot about VB and what I needed, but as the site grew within a few months Siteground told me I had to buy a dedicated hosting plan (that was going to cost me like $100+ a month) they said even their VPS packages wouldn't be enough.
My site was doing well but nowhere as big as other forums out there and I really felt Siteground was being unreasonable. I started looking for other hosts, came across URLJet, emailed URLJet and gave them my forum stats and Greg replied saying he thought my site would be fine even on their shared hosting package, so I moved the site over. And the site continued to grow for another couple years before shrinking for reasons nothing to do with hosting.
Long story short I never felt need to change hosts since, have always been happy with their service. I have a great relationship with Greg and I am also brought in from time to time when another VB customer needs help beyond what Greg and their regular staff can handle.
The bottom line is it is a world of difference when you can get VB help from your host as well as VB support, especially for new Admins or those using 3rd party add-ons.
If you emailed Site Ground saying you were getting some PHP error on some page they would probably tell you to contact vBulletin Support.
If you contact vBulletin Support they may say it's from an add-on and to get support here or from the author of the add-on.
The author of the add-on may not have signed into vBulletin.org in 5 years.
If you contact URLJet with the same question, someone (maybe me) will look into it, and if there is a quick fix to be made, do it.
If it is more than a quick fix that can be discussed.