Originally Posted by MarwanAshrafz
I do not know where to post this but please move it to the right section if this is a wrong section.
I've had a community with a friend, we had a licensed vbulletin, we were using a vBulletin forum, but then, he suddenly betrayed me and then closed the community. so I have a question, if I open a new community, am I allowed to use the vBulletin there? I mean, he changed the vbulletin.com login info but I guess I still have the package which I downloaded from vbulletin.com
Please tell me if that would be legal, and I am sorry if I posted this in the wrong section.
First of all did you pay for the licence?if you did then they will have a record of your email address when you purchased the licence. I would contact vbulletin.com directly and explain the situation
Remember your vBulletin forum url domain must be the same thats added to the members area of vbulletin or it wont be valid.