Originally Posted by NeutralizeR
Not sure why (I moved the website to HTTPS a few weeks ago), but i had to disable the ":secure_url" in the plugin to make it work for attachments:
PHP Code:
// if(strtolower(substr($thisimg, 0, 5)) == 'https') //If https site // $secure_og = ':secure_url'; // else $secure_og = '';
I just confirmed this issue when using SSL for your forum. The FB debugger loses it mind and FB actual refuses to see the images.
As soon as I comment out ":secure_url" in the plugin, FB debugger is happy and FB actual sees ALL images and lets you choose which one you want.
It even works when using attachment images, i.e. the image url is:
BTW, I am using vB 4.2.3 PL2.