I have 2 dedicated servers and probably about 650 gigs total between the 2 of them that I needed to back up. For now I am using Dropbox for $10 a month. The back up files generated by Plesk for my domain accounts are transferred over there in tar files.
I did try godaddy because they have cheap plans for unlimited data but I could not connect my server to theirs through ftp..
My host(1and1) I basically just lease the server from does offer back up space offsite but it would cost me more than I am willing to spend just for some storage space. I would set up a server here and download the data directly to my location but my bandwidth is limited to 250 gigs a month or so and that would kill it.
Thanks guys..
PS - i just noted the word UP never was posted in my thread title. That is what happens when I post in the middle of the night after being woken up by a screaming 7 week old.