Originally Posted by webmastersun
You should send these to vB team so we can use PHP7 on forums earilier
I want to upgrade to PHP7 for my hosting but I could not because my vB forum is not compatible with PHP7 so I have to leave it.
Did you even bother to read the link I posted ?
Originally Posted by Dave
I'll probably write a follow up blog for more changes/fixes for PHP 7.
Although you state that some of the fixes are not "correct", my forum has been running just fine for about 8 months now on PHP 7.
Actually, I said two, not some
One you would never notice unless you somehow triggered exceptions, even then it would probably just display wrong information.
The other would, I think, break something (custom tags ?) I'm not actually anywhere I can look at code atm.
If they were the only changes you made, you are hiding a ton load of warnings.
The PHP 7 test version has been available for anyone who requests it for almost two months now, posted here, vb.com, and even TAZ - only three people have shown any interest. The Alpha's next month will basically be that code.