Originally Posted by Paul M
You would think this gives it away really ;
PHP Code:
$navbits[''] = 'Contact Form'; $navbits = construct_navbits($navbits); $navbar = render_navbar_template($navbits); $templater = vB_Template::create('ws_contact_forum');
Well I got that much. I probably should have explained the context.
It was a file php file named "ws_send_email", which was inside a mod somebody created.
Hence I was suspicious whether or not there was any malicious code in it.
That's why I'm asking, since I don't understand why it's needed for the modification to work.
If the purpose was malicious, this is what I was thinking:
All the details I have stored in the 'contact us' section will be sent to the coder. Also, if anybody else uses that part in my forum, their details will be sent to the coder too.