Originally Posted by bridge2heyday
Well , this will require one or two file edits
in file 'includes/vb5/frontend/routing.php'
line 239 just before throwing
PHP Code:
throw new vB5_Exception_404("invalid_page_url");
I have made some work
I used $path variable , exploded it and got the last element .. then queried node table for urlident equal to this value .
if true .. this returns node id
PHP Code:
$url = vB_Api::instanceInternal('route')->getAbsoluteNodeUrl($id); header('Location: ' . $url, true, 301);exit;
I did this for a client who converted from smf with pretty URLs and working fine
I will post the full code when I have access to my home PC tomorrow.
Note : if the URL doesn't end with '/' you have to do additional work in includes\api\interface\collapsed.php'
Would you mind elaborating on the last portion of your above quote? I had VBSEO on VB4 and it worked like a charm, inc. all the extra toys it gave - such a shame they folded up
Anyway, I had a url alike to:
i.e. there was no trailing /