Originally Posted by Gio~Logist
Functionality, of course. Imagine if wordpress owners steered clear of plugins, the internet literally wouldn't be the same lol. Get yourself a developer either in-house, on retainer or available for freelancing when need be (depending on your budget) and don't hold back on functionality!
Here's my take on "functionality" based upon my own personal experience:
If members never know a feature or function exists then they make do without it.
If members are given a feature or function and then it's taken away they whine like six year old girls who have been told they cannot have any pudding if they don't eat their meat.
I realize different solutions work for everyone but mine is to code HTML5 / CSS3 pages by hand so they are up to current standards and not reliant on any third party maintaining a modification or add-on. To me it seems like a lot less work than dealing with third party plugins that stop working, especially when many are no longer maintained and not marked reusable code. In many cases the developers are no longer active.