Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
...but now we must do as we've been told many times in the past, submit a request via Jira (I still love you Paul but no, someone should be paid to think ahead and add/re-add where common sense says they should be or were prior to a certain degree) when we're not being paid a penny to submit anything
Why are you directing that comment at me ?
1. I dont make the rules.
2. I dont work on vBulletin 5.
That said, the rule is there for a reason - all development is tracked in Jira, there has to be a central place, and thats it. So no Jira = it wont happen.
Developers are paid to develop, not sit and write Jira's for other people too lazy to do so.
You seem to be in the "I want something for nothing" brigade. You want a hook but are not going to put in the minute amount of effort to request it - because you're "not being paid a penny to submit anything". If thats how you want to be, that's fine, but dont moan about hooks not getting added.