This is sad news...
I'm now starting to understand why so many people have been complaining about vB5.
I mean, there's a lot of things I like about it.
But there's a lot I want my forum to do that it can't right now. And I'm starting to think vB5 may have been a huge mistake.
I started my very first forum back in 2003. It didn't go anywhere and I eventually gave up on it, but back then, vBulletin was the gold standard for forums and I never forgot that.
Two years ago, with my newest forum, I ASSUMED vBulletin had only gotten better with time, and I dove in head first without doing any reading on it at all. It was only after I started getting locked out of basic tasks and all the bugs that I started doing reading on it and found all the horror stories.
I've sunk a TON of cash into this project already...well over $5,000.00, not to mention hundreds of hours-- plus my hosting bill is $60.00 per month and I don't want to give up on vBulletin, but I kind of want to get moving with the features I want.
There is absolutely nothing special about my site right now. Visitors know this and leave instantly. I haven't had a new sign up in months despite constant advertising on Google AdWords plus an aggressive social media campaign.
What's the future looking like? I get the distinct impression is full of members that aren't willing to go beyond vB4 and I'm starting to totally understand why.
I don't think forums on the whole are dead.
Things may be "getting better" with vB5 but I don't want to spend the next 5 years waiting for something that might not even be happening...