I'm not a huge fan of how vBulletin currently displays links.
When someone copies and pastes a link, you wind up with a really long and ugly URL (that is shortened sometimes by vBulletin).
Ideally, when you post a link to vBulletin, it would format the link to the OG:Title meta property of the page you are linking to. But, not every site uses Open Graph meta data.
This is what I have in mind. It's minor, but it looks so much cleaner (screenshot marked "mod request"):
Also, I realize there is already a banned words list which will bleep out any ******* word you add to the banned word list.
But, as a spam prevention measure, is there a way we could add links to a database that known spammers (or others abusing your forum) have used which will cause an immediate ban on any IP address trying to post that link?
Just a thought...
Please message me if you would be interested in working on something like this.
I'm extremely concerned about the mod affecting the security of my site. I definitely would need the ability to continue to download and install future upgrades for the vB5 software.
I'm making this post in the "unpaid" section but I would definitely be willing to pay someone for this. Ideally, you'd develop the mod as a finished product and I'd simply buy a license, but if you feel this is too much work and you don't expect many people would buy this mod, perhaps we could come up with a contract.
We'd need to figure out time and cost and payment arrangements, and there would also need to be a stipulation stating that the code would continue to work (or would be upgraded) to always work with future vBulletin 5 updates.