I think this hack would get a lot more response, and perhaps become one of the more popular hacks, if a bit more in the way of instructions were provided, particularly on passing variables.
I uploaded the files in a /chat directory, no problem.
I created/added the tables as outlines in chat.sql, no problem
I added the variables to my phpincludes template, no problem.
It's the link usage I have a problem with. I can create a link easy - I use a DHTML menu myself - and the chat index opens, but the variables for vb user/password (yes I am logged in) are not passed along. This is natural enough, I imagine, because when calling it from the front page of my site the phpincludes template is not read. I can't seem to get the username/password passed along even if I link to it within my forums.
In particular, this statement:
or if you know how to pass variables to custom PHP scripts from within the 'phpinclude' template (which is what I do).
Catches my eye - if we don't know how, and you do, you think you could share? Even an example of how you did it would be helpful.
There also needs to be a way to redirect to the user_not_logged_on template for folks who aren't registered.
I could try taking a crack at it, but it might be easier if Version gave some pointers here.