Originally Posted by EvilArcana
Ok, sounds promising...how do I hook it into the payments page?
I don't use paid subscriptions on my site...so I will have to guess a bit here. I don't see a template hook in the "subscription" template, so you would likely have to use the hook "parse_templates" and a condition such as:
PHP Code:
if (THIS_SCRIPT === 'payments')
$above_payments_block = 'Block HTML goes here...';
$template_name = 'navbar';
$t_temp = $vbulletin->templatecache[$template_name];
$t_temp = rtrim($t_temp, ";");
$t_temp .= " . \$template_hook['above_payments'];";
$vbulletin->templatecache[$template_name] = $t_temp;
$template_hook['above_payments'] .= $above_payments_block;
You would store the HTML, either raw or by rendering a template, into the variable "$above_payments_block", and then a custom template hook is added to the bottom of the "navbar" template to which you can add your block.
I will be glad to assist you step by step to get this going, or if you prefer I can come to your site and set this up, which would require you to set up a temporary admin account for me, and then send the login credentials via PM.