Thanks friends for your comments!!!
Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
I didn't think to check all you asked (although site loaded quickly for me) but the overall look is pretty slick! "I see what you did there" and all that!
Nice layout all around 

I always like reading your replies on this forum, it always contains a bit more funny and make me think more, especially on this reply.
Thanks for liking forum layouts!
If you have more than 5s and free time, I would like to have your reviews on other things on our forum.
Originally Posted by ProSportsForums
Overall, I like it. You do appear to have an empty "Social Sharing" module at the upper right-hand section of the page. That I would address. Otherwise, the appearance, layout, and navigation are all very nice.
Cool reviews!
Can I ask, what do you mean for an empty "Social Sharing" module on top right sidebar on my forum?
You mean I should remove it and replace with other parts? or does it have any issues when you view Facebook box on the forum?
Originally Posted by Replicant
Nice job. The page read flows smoothly and responsive design seems to be very well done.
Yes it has a responsive design which needs for mobile devices and mobile search. Seem you are a fan of responsive templates? Does a forum need to have a responsive theme and it is important when you are viewing a forum?