I have an issue after installing this. I'm running vBulletin 4.2.3 & Wordpress. I can login to vBulletin fine but it will not login me into Wordpress at all. It says its logging me in and shows the vBulletin login page and then when it redirects me back to Wordpress I'm not logged in. Likewise in order to logout of Wordpress I had to actually clear my browser cache, cookies, login etc just to get it to allow me to login as another account. So I cannot login and/or logout of Wordpress at all with this installed. This is super crucial to my site working and running.
Errr EDIT: I also get this error message in vBulletin apparently:
We are sorry, we are not able to process the operation further. Your account should satisfy the single sign-on requirements. Please contact your administrator to solve this issue.
And I cannot seem to sign into vBulletin fully either.....*SIGH*