Originally Posted by FlexGraphics
Reported to work though... I have not tested to confirm. I'm curious though, it shows in a thread whether you've downloaded a mod or not, it states "Not Download" beside your name so aside from a screenshot, how do you know?
Thread avatars were around in vBulletin before Xenforo was made from what I recall, in fact may have been in IPB before vB that I'm not sure of though (simply saying). What site were you on when viewing that source code? I ask because I don't see a demo link anywhere and just because <!-- Commented Out Code --> exist on a site does not make said code "the truth, it's on the interwebs is why" and may actually just be someone who prefers XF over vB and made a comment in their code because the thread avatars in vB remind them of the ones they know of in XF etc but again not sure as no link other than a screenshot.