I don't know what happened, but, early on in my installation of VBulletin and various products, I installed your Password Strength Check mod .... after some 6 months of work, all of a sudden the 180 day password expiration message popped up ... I went, 'ugh', and figured OK I'll just change the password, or if I don't want this message popping up, I'll just disable the product so I can log in again ...
Since at that moment I still had a current cookie-supported AdminCP login, I tried a few things : Apparently just disabling the product from within its own AdminCP controls did not work, so I tried disabling it from Products Manager ... that didn't work either so I tried to uninstall the product from Products Manager, then removing all the files that were installed ... : that didn't work either!
I finally thought, OK, so somehow this product had 'seen' that my password was 180 days old so it set something into some database file making it so I had to change my password ... so I'll try setting Windows back 14 days so I can fool this product into thinking it's not 180 days yet, then log into the AdminCP, uninstall this product, then change the clock back, and log in again (I also rebooted the computer etc. before trying to log in again) ... even after uninstall and removal of all the product files, as you direct to do in your UNINSTALL instructions, I still cannot log in, getting that "your password is 18x days old" message ... when I click on the link to reset the password, the link will say it's sent my password, but for whatever reason the built-in email function in Vbulletin isn't working ... I even set up HMail server but that doesn't seem to be sending me the mail either... cannot log into the site let alone the AdminCP so without setting the clock back again and trying another login I will not be able to ever get back into the AdminCP ... HOW DO I ***REALLY*** UNINSTALL THIS PRODUCT? If it causes this kind of damage potentially, it should be QUARANTINED ...
I should also mention that I have tried disabling all hooks in /includes/config.php and also had "undeletable users" set for my Administrator account (how then can it have changed my 'old' password then? I thought that config.php rules 'RULED' over all other settings!!!))) ... whenever I would try to paste in my 'old' password (which is definitely correct!) to change the password, I'd get a message saying I had not typed my *current* password in correctly! I have also tried removing all related cookies, restarting Firefox, again, no go. Tried of course, restoring older versions of the database (after installation of this mod but before the 180 days had passed), resetting the clock backwards, then forwards, still no go. Tried logging in using tools.php ... this seemed to work once, then would not work again ... still can't get in. I finally tried resetting the clock to present time, then tried tools.php Admin restore, then tried going to the password modification page this mod presents ... I removed whatever was in the 'old password' field, put in my newer password after having changed it in AdminCP at some point ... no go. Tried putting in the OLD password, and for some reason (still unknown to me), I was able to change the password ... then tried logging out, then in again as Administrator and was able to log into AdminCP ... right at the moment things look pretty normal again ... but : (soap opera music plays) 1. Will I be able to uninstall this thing successfully? 2. Will I get locked out again in about 6 months? 3. Will I be able to get back in again? 4. Will this happen to my other users? 5. Will this mod ever be fixed and updated?
Hey, I can understand if someone does not have the time to support a mod they have created, but when that mod has the capability of LOCKING OUT THE ADMIN, that no-support policy should be changed for that mod, at least until it's fixed.