Originally Posted by Undertaker #59
I'll have to test it out, but I am wondering if I can not allow new threads in this forum, but still allow replies. Basically I want to use this mod as a way to view and reply to threads from multiple forums, but I want new threads to be placed in the proper forum for those who choose not to use the master forum view and view the forums singly.
Did you even get this to function / behave as you described you wished that it would? I would wonder if on the master forum if you set "Forum is Open" to NO if that would keep replies going to the original forums but not allow new threads to be started in the Master?
Your idea for behavior is good and I want to get it to work just as you described, basically the Master Forum would act as a portal to combine and allow for viewing of threads from multiple other forums but the master forum should not allow you to start a new thread within it. All new threads would need to started in one of the child forums and then it could be seen or replied to from the Master.
Did you get it working this way?