v1.2 adds seo compatibility to urls
before auto embed looked for links structured as the following (twitter example) red stands for things that didnt matter
<a href="http(s)://twitter.com/(username)/status/(postid)(ANYTHING)" target="blank">(Anything)</a>
this wouldnt work with seo because seo adds rel="" to links so to make it compliant and less strict I have made it work like the following
<a (anything)twitter.com/(username)/status/(postid)(ANYTHING)</a>
why does this help me?
well now your links can be structured more loosely so you could have a link that looks like this:
HTML Code:
<a target="_blank" href="https://www.twitter.com/DrCustUmz/status/731586904760717316" alt="tweet" >Release tweet</a>
and it's still going to convert it into an embed =)