Originally Posted by ArcadeSyndicate
GOT IT! open template vsa_topstats_newposts and search for...
PHP Code:
<td style="padding:0px {vb:raw vboptions.vsatopstats_cellpadding}px 0px {vb:raw vboptions.vsatopstats_cellpadding}px;width:1%;white-space:nowrap;text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;"><vb:if condition="$get_new_posts[newpost]">{vb:raw vsacb_prefixnew}<vb:else />{vb:raw vsacb_prefixold}</vb:if></td>
change 1% to what fits best to your style. higher resolutions work with 2, for smaller styles take 3 or whatever.
quick and dirty but works fine for me 
What part gets changed? The "width" just after that line you pasted? (I'm a dummy)