I had Sucuri Cloud Firewall tech support do extensive testing and they couldn't duplicate the problem, yet I sense it started when that intermediate cloud security measure was added to our site.
I even white listed on the Sucuri firewall settings at their host end, the
newattachment.php code file used by vBulletin to handle the file management function and uploading, but that didn't seem to help at all.
Flash enabled by default.. (see attached pic)
Nothing unusual appears in error logs..
Attachments are stored in file system...
Here's another report by a long time members who's never had problems before.
The following is a typical complaint from a member.
I appreciate you taking the time to assist me in figuring out what the problem. Please understand that I'm probably the most illiterate person your likely to deal with when it comes to computers, so bear with me.
First of the step by step sequence of what I'm doing... I type the reply, click ''manage attachments'', click ''add files'' then ''select files'', double click chosen photo(s), click on ''upload files'' and this is when the trouble starts.
After this happens I can't get the photo to load and if I try to delete and start over or click the ''back'' button a circle runs in the top left corner of the screen for 10-12 seconds and error message reading'' sorry, can't access this page''.
Refreshing the page does no good and I can't access anything without the error message appearing. I have to shutdown and restart to get things working again but can't access the site for varying lengths of time, in some cases nearly a day!
Requested info:
Adobe Java Software... checked that and it says...In windows 10 the edge browser does not support plug ins and therefore will not run Java. Switch to a different browser(Firefox or Internet Explorer II) to run the Java plug in.
Adobe Flash Software: up to date and current
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0(Windows NT 10.0; Win64;x64) Apple Webkit/537.36(K HT ML,like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2456.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.10586
Computer: HP 15 Notebook PC
Operating System Version: Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Browser: Microsoft Edge,
Version: ?
Memory: 4GB
It should be noted that I set his default method of uploading from
Advanced to
Basic and it seemed to work for him.. see his response...
I managed to post a photo on the forum using the new method you set up for me. Took a bit to get it figured out but it went off without a hitch.
As far as trying a different browser, no I have not but after learning I don't have JAVA or at least the latest version I plan to remedy that shortly. Thanks for taking time from your busy schedule to help me out
So, why would using the
Basic method work and the
Advanced method not?
I have suggest that other members who started to experience this problem try switching to the
Basic method, but it hasn't solved the issue for every situation.
Thanks for any additional help here ..