I think i've found a bug,
If your forum uses a prefix for the databse tables the plugin doesn't work right anymore.
You can acces the conversation.php but not your forumhome - if you have a notification for a new conversion.
There is missing a tableprefix on index if you have a notification. After install and writing a PM the pmed person get the error for missing table "bmf_conversations_participant" on any page except on conversions.php renaming the 3 Tables solves the error, but on conversions.php table "[PRE]bmf_conversations_participant" is now missing.
Also i can report 2 php Warnings:
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ....\includes\functions_editor.php(467) : eval()'d code on line 122
When creating a new conversion.
PHP Warning: fsockopen(): in ....\includes\class_mail.php on line 757
When sending a new created conversation
Anyway thanks for this awsome plugin