Ok so I implemented some country wide htaccess IP blocks (see attached files for a text copy) and I'm still getting spam in the Bounced Inbox. I would think the IP blocks would keep anyone in those countries from useing a file on my server but I have no ideal if it would block SQL injections. I still haven't figured out how to check the DB for malicious injected code.
Anyway back to the email headers and the originating IP addresses. From what I can see the bulk is coming from 4 countries with the most coming from Viet Nam, then India, Indonesia and finally Kuwait. The ip's for the most part keep changing.
Here's a few that are sending out the most speam.
Quote: Viet Nam India India Kuwait Viet Nam Indonesia
Below are the 2 txt files of just the Deny From for the HTaccess. (having all in one file was to big to upload to VB.org)
To me is seems like a massive amount of ip's to check before a page loads and I'm concerned it will cause load issues and delays. Can someone take a look at it and tell me if the size is ok on what once was a busy board before all this happened.