Originally Posted by Replicant
To modify search strings on a per user basis based on their preferences that are stored preferably in a table, there will need to be
A form with the current categories or forums dynamically built to accommodate future categories/forums that will upload the users prefs to the server.
A frontend controller to receive the data and call the insert api to store it in the table.
There would need to be a modification of the template code to query that table based on current userid and set the search query to the users prefs.
There would need to be a product created with the api to do the data inserts and template queries.
This is what I can see would be the least I can think of to get this to work.
That's a whole lot more than I was expecting. I seriously doubt I could design a product. I barely know my way around basic HTML and between work, college, and my kid I don't think I'll have any spare time to even try to learn that much. The number of people actively developing for vBulletin 5 seems abysmally low too. I kind of feel like it might even be cheaper to just purchase another forum software and use the conversion tools to set the site to VB4. =/
Originally Posted by Replicant
It actually seems like it would be a useful mod, I wish I had more time to look at it.
The people on my site came from another site where it was in use and it's one of the biggest requests they have. Allowing the users to filter out topics from sections that do not interest them is a pretty great thing to have.