Originally Posted by Dave
The 2 links you posted are related to AngularJS, not quite what vBulletin uses.
The code you posted is JSON, which is simply said data that your browser or the server parses and then uses to to filter down settings.
Unfortunately I have no experience with vBulletin 5 so I can't help you out. As you can see vBulletin 5 development is pretty much dead so I don't expect anyone that can or will help you out with this besides Replicant/IB staff members. 
I had a complete brain fart there. I should have known that I should have been looking at the page source for the search code. Even I'm not
this dumb. Gonna blame it on the fact I've been awake for nearly 24 hours now.
That gets me in a better place than I was before, at least. Thanks.