Ah, so click "edit" next to "channel member"..... now I see the option "require moderation for posts"... whew! I found it! Unfortunately it's already set to "no". However, we still had an occasion in recent days where a couple posts got held for "approval" and a forum admin had to go find them and approve them so they could post. How could this happen if this option is set to no?
The other question is, in the event posts do get sidelined for moderation (approval) where are they held? The forum admin couldn't find the location and used the "check recent posts" by given user feature and then found the two that were awaiting approval.
So two questions:
1) how and why would posts still be getting held when the "require moderation for posts" option is set to "no"?
2) in the event posts still get held for approval, is there a simple way for admin to find and approve them?
Most ideally, though, we really just want to completely disable any setting that would cause a post to be held for approval.
Thanks again,