Originally Posted by DemOnstar
Hello there. . .
They look and act great with the PC. However, have you tried viewing them using your mobile?
I try to view them through Chrome using developer tools and whilst all the other modules are displayed the 2 modules Youtube ones are not visible....
I also tried a full zoom on Firefox and they disappear...
Not sure if that is a good test or not but it would have me scratching my head. . .
There should be media queries for @media screen (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 667px) which cause the following two IDs to use 100% of the container width for small screen mobile devices:
div#widget_224.b-module.canvas-widget.default-widget.custom-html-widget {
width: 50%;
height: 100%;
border:thick solid #1C4F70 !important;
div#widget_225.b-module.canvas-widget.default-widget.custom-html-widget {
width: 50%;
height: 100%;
border:thick solid #1C4F70 !important;
667px is fine for newer smartphones but leaves out the 640px crowd, which is a huge percentage of smartphone users.