Hi everyone,
I'm having a little problem to mark some tabs as active. I've reorganized the links to eliminate the "what's new" tab and moved the links to "Forum". I also moved some Links from "Forum" to a new tab "My area". There are no new links, only the links from the stock menu. To set the moved tab active I added tabid=xxx to the URL and in most cases it works fine. But there are a few links where it didn't work or gives you an error message. Here are some examples:
Private messages:
Error message: The requested URL /vbtest/private.php&tabid=97 was not found on this server.
Error message: The requested URL /vbtest/activity.php&tabid=49 was not found on this server.
Error message: The requested URL /vbtest/album.php&tabid=97 was not found on this server.
Today's topic
search.php?{session.sessionurl}&do=getdaily&co ntenttype=vBForum_Post&tabid=49
Ignoring tabid and "What's new" is still active.
Anyone here, who has an idea how to fix this?
Thank you in advance.